Jazeera Airways reducesin-flight single use plastic


Kuwait, October 04, 2023:  

Jazeera Airways, Kuwait leading low cost carrier, recently introduced sustainable food service wareonallflightsacrossitsnetworkof64destinations.Bychangingfromplasticcutleryto100%biodegradable spoons, forks, knives and napkins, Jazeera reduces 300 kilograms of plastic on its flight seach month. The cutlery manufactured by Dubaibased Palmade® is made from natural materials including leaves of the date palm trees. All of these materials are certified bio degradableand compostable. Earlier in the year, Jazeera also switched from plastic stirrers to wooden ones as apart of its sustainable practices.

The airline is the first low cost carrier in the Middle East to switch from plastic to eco-friendly foodservicewarein-flight.

Rohit Ramachandran, Chief Executive Officer, Jazeera Airways said “As a low cost carrier, we have tobe cost conscious in our business, but we are also mindful of our ethical, social and environmentalaccountability.Inthelastfewyears,wehavetakensmallstepstowardssustainabilityandcontinueto stay focused on reducing or offsetting our carbon emissions. Changing to biodegradable serviceware is another small initiative that we are hoping will contribute to a larger impact. Our ultimategoalis toachievenet-zeroemissionsby2050.”

In2021,JazeeraAirwaysplacedanorderfor28newA320neoandA321neoaircraft,aninvestmentin the excess of US$3.4 billion. The A320neo aircraft provide an 18% reduction in fuel burn and CO2emissions, and cut NOx emissions and noise pollution by 50% each. For customers, Jazeera runsCHOOOSE™,acarbonoffsetprogramprovidingthemwiththeoptiontoreducetheirflight’senvironmentalfootprintbychoosingtocontributetoclimateprojects.

The airlinehasalso invested in 2,000+unitsof the newExpliseatTiSeat E2model, theworld’slightest aircraft seat. Roll out of these seats on Jazeera Airways’ aircraft is expected to begin in 2024.WiththeExpliseatlightweightseats,Jazeerawilldeliverasubstantialweightsavingof1.2metrictonsperaircraft,reducejetfuelconsumptionandincreasepassengercapacity.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)